I’ve taken part in a few spiritual courses over the years, and a practice that has come up time and time again is using white light to heal, cleanse and protect yourself.
I came across the text below in the Dolores Cannon book - Between Life and Death. It provides us with an explanation of the White Light healing practice that may be helpful for anyone who would like to try it and include it as part of their daily/weekly practices.
“See yourself enveloped in a pyramid of white energy surrounding perhaps the entire building you are in, or whatever you feel most comfortable with. If it is used in this way all within its space would be included in this white energy… Visualize the entire pyramid completely enveloped and full of this white light. And all discreative energies within could be visualized as darkness in the light. Simply see the light changing the darkness, raising the darkness to the light, or turning the darkness into light. In turn, the darkness becomes light and is no longer discreative, but is again constructive energy that is returned to the Universe for constructive and creative purposes.
All have the ability to create this white light energy around them. They need only affirm to themselves the desire to do this. They must truly want this in order to believe it. For if the individual is not firmly of the belief of what they desire, there will be a limited success with this.”
-Dolores Cannon - Between Death & Life
White light healing is something that can be done at any time, and it does not need to have a specific purpose. Apart from cleansing your energy field or aura, a regular practice of white light healing is encouraged for your overall health and well-being.
Until next time and don’t forget to like this post if it resonated with you.
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