"Can your consciousness force your brain to overcome sleep paralysis?"
What is Consciousness and is it all Powerful?
I was asked on the platform Quora ‘Whether your consciousness can force your brain to overcome sleep paralysis?’ The question highlighted several points, which I had not previously considered about the nature of consciousness, in particular the enormous power and influence that consciousness has on our lives, both physically and in spirit. Given my standpoint that sleep paralysis can be transcended, I would phrase the question differently and ask:
‘Can your consciousness allow you to transcend sleep paralysis?’
Sleep paralysis fits within the field of ‘extraordinary spiritual experiences,’ that science cannot currently explain. My approach to sleep paralysis is one that views it as a spiritual or energetic engagement and my research has led me to conclude that our consciousness has a significant impact on waking and sleep states.
Consciousness is an extremely positive force, that when specifically utilised, can allow you to transcend sleep paralysis, which means that the experience shifts from negative to positive, with an array of additional experiences. Many people have been able to move past the negative sleep paralysis experience and traverse other environments or dimensions, which contain a host of psychic phenomena that you are gifted with upon waking.
Your consciousness can be influenced during your waking state not to be susceptible to fear, to expect an alternative experience, to astral project, lucid dream and ultimately dismiss the negative experience.
It takes determined commitment to change your conscious perspective of sleep paralysis from a fear-based experience to one of exploration and self-discovery. An assertive approach is required that is prepared to dominate the experience and dismiss anything that is negatively engaged. Know that you are loved by the Creator and that the experience can be positively overcome.
As we continue to learn more about ourselves and what it means to be energy within a human body, I wish you healing Love and Light on your journey.
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P.S. I am still looking for people to take part in my Sleep Paralysis research. Email me at info@sheilaprycebrooks.com if you would like to take part or if you know someone that would like to talk about their experiences.
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