Ryan Hurd has extensively researched dream science, specifically lucid dreaming, nightmares, sleep paralysis and related states of consciousness. He has also worked on folklore and the histories of various cultures, spending the better part of a decade excavating ruins in North America before turning inward to the riches of the mind, which he found infinitely more valuable than buried treasure.
The number of people in the world today who contribute to the widening of our understanding of unexplained phenomena is extremely small. Reliable, expert information is challenging to find and academics still dispute credible findings amongst themselves.
It is for this reason that I submitted an article to Ryan to post on his website and was pleased when he agreed to upload it. The article uses a research approach called Autoethnography. This is a tool that connects personal experience to wider social themes in everyday life. It is considered a form of qualitative research in the same way as interviews or surveys are used to gather evidence. I found writing the post (which is an extract from the full autoethnography) extremely therapeutic and whilst is an honest, subjective and raw account of a period of my life, I felt it important to share it with the world, as many of us have experiences that we feel alone with. Perhaps my account can in some way reduce the gap between what we each identify with as being ‘normal’.
The full autoethnography discusses the array of extraordinary phenomena that I and others experience whilst sleeping. These experiences include lucid dreaming, teleportation, astral projection, days being lived out during moments in the sleep state and precognition upon waking. The full article will hopefully be posted later in the New Year.
The post can be found here. HERE
Ryan has kindly given me the ability to respond to any comments made on the post on his website, so please comment or ask questions if needed. Others will gain insights from the comments/questions that you raise or if you prefer to leave comments below, you are more than welcome.
The post can be found here. HERE
I look forward to reading your comments and feedback.
Wishing you warmth, love and light during this season as we continue to grow together. Have a wonderful start to 2023 when it comes.