I have exciting news to share: You can now read TRANSCEND with Sheila Pryce Brooks in the new Substack app for iPhone.
With the app, you’ll have a dedicated Inbox for my Substack and any others you subscribe to. New posts will never get lost in your email filters, or stuck in spam. Longer posts will never cut-off by your email app. Comments and rich media will all work seamlessly. Overall, it’s a big upgrade to the reading experience.
The Substack app is currently available for iOS. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can join the Android waitlist here.
Welcome To TRANSCEND, where I write about Spirituality, Spiritual Experiences, Sleep Paralysis, and a little bit of stuff about Extraterrestrials and Other Realms.
It is my sincerest wish that all is well with you.
We’ve all gone through many ups and downs as the pandemic struck and now a glimmer of light is beginning to shine, as we continue with our post-pandemic lives.
It's been a while since you've heard from me and there have been several exciting developments that I'd like to share.
The first is that after a lot of inner work, meditation, and soul searching, I’ve decided to focus my work wholeheartedly on spirituality, sleep paralysis, and other spiritual phenomena. These topics are directly related to my PhD and to who I am at my core. I must say that since making this decision, the Universe has collaborated with me and opened several doors for my work to continue.
I learned a few difficult lessons around the importance of following your desires and dreams, no matter how absurd they are, or how other people perceive them. It's so important to follow your own guidance and your own intuition. Anything is possible. And I'm now living in a world where the impossible can become possible.
Posts are sent from this new platform (called Substack) which is more authentically aligned to me and what I do, as it creates a space where I can not only send newsletters directly to your inbox, it also allows me to host questions and answers, have live events, podcasts and real-time conversations with you. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm already arranging interviews with people that you may find interesting.
At the end of each month, I’ll be answering any questions that you send to me, so feel free to post your questions as a comment. Comments are always welcome.
There’s a link to my About page HERE, where you can find details relating to what we'll be doing. Check it out.
I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU for being with me on this journey.
It's my intention that I continue to support YOU on YOUR journey by providing support, education and fun along the way.
Keep an eye out for my emails. This post represents the first of many.
In the meantime, if you have any friends or family that you think would be interested in being part of my Substack community, please feel free to share this post.
I will also be speaking at this event on Saturday 19th March where I am honoured to be one of the featured guests! It’s a conference with a calibre of speakers that usually costs 100's of pounds, but I’ve been given free tickets to share with you and any of your family and friends.
It’s an event where there will be lots of advice and information to help you:
improve your mental and physical well-being
enhance your performance capabilities and give you focus and purpose
achieve quality sleep
have more energy to achieve the results you truly desire.
To access your free ticket, just go here: https://pressure-free.lpages.co/performance-conference-ticket.
I look forward to seeing you on the 19th and send you healing love and light and lots of blessings as I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
One final thing. I’m looking for people to take part in my research. As a long-term experiencer of sleep paralysis, this topic is of particular importance not only to me personally but also to anyone who has similar experiences and the wider public. Your consideration of taking part in this project is greatly appreciated.
What is the purpose of the study?
The aims of my research are to explore how sleep paralysis experiences are made sense of and managed in terms of social interaction and individually by the experiencers. Ultimately, my research will ask: How does society respond if you say that you experienced sleep paralysis? And, how does the individual make sense of the experience to ensure that their everyday lives are not negatively impacted?
If you are interested in taking part or know someone who would like to take part, send an email saying that you’re interested to: info@sheilaprycebrooks.com and I’ll get back in touch with you.