What are the Clair's?
What is your dominant psychic Clair ability?
We each have access to psychic abilities that we can use at will to help ourselves and others. We are born with these abilities and what differs among us, is our ability to tap into and interpret them.
The word ‘Clair’ is from the English-language prefix ‘Clair-’, which originates from the French ‘Clair(e)’ meaning ‘clear’. The most well-known of the ‘Clairs’ is Clairvoyance. Perhaps it’s because most people think it means being able to know what’s going to happen in the future. But, what if I said that that isn’t its full meaning and that it means far more than that.
Here’s a list of the different psychic abilities that have been grouped as Clair's.
I will also add these to the previous post [Spiritual Words and their Meanings — A glossary that has been specifically developed to help with your spiritual development] and send out the updated list.
Check these out and see which one is your most dominant ability. We each have one or two that may stand out above all of the others.
Here’s the list of Clair's:
Clairvoyance is the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. Clairvoyance or clear seeing is the most visual of all the Clairs. You receive pictures in the form of images in your mind’s eye. They may be vivid dreams, visions, mental images, or mini-movies. You may be able to see colours of aura’s etc.
Images may be literal or metaphorical.
You may be inclined towards this Clair if you’re a visual person and often visualise solutions to problems. You may be good at directions or visualising spatial problems.
The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without knowing how or why he or she knew it. You know it to be true in your mind’s eye, even though you did not hear or see it.
It may be a stroke of instant information or a download.
This clair can also manifest as instincts.
Clairaudience or clear hearing means that you are able to hear voices or messages from the spiritual realms. You may hear them in your ears.
An example is, that you may be driving and suddenly hear ‘left turn’ even though you are the only one in the car.
You might be inclined towards Clairaudience if you are naturally attuned to sounds, music or toning.
The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge by means of a smell. Insights come through the perception of smell. Such as smelling your deceased grandmother’s perfume when there is nobody else around.
These odours can also be perceived and not actually carry the physical sensation of smell.
The paranormal ability to taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth. Those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.
You may, for example, taste the favourite food of a deceased loved one.
The ability to perceive information by physical touch. Any psychic information is triggered when you physically touch or handle a person or thing. You are able to perceive facts about things or people by touching them.
You may gain insights into people by touching their watch or their hand.
Clairsentience is a clear physical feeling. You actually feel the physical feeling in your body that others are experiencing.
An example is if someone is having a stomach ache, you feel either pain or a sensation in your stomach too. You may also be able to feel emotional injuries where they manifest in the body.
Clairintellect is clear thinking. This happens when your thoughts can manifest as your intuition. You may also notice that in conversation your words come through and seem like they are words from a higher source of consciousness.
This can manifest as having ‘epiphanies’.
You may be inclined towards clear thinking if you are very left-brained and are a linear thinker.
Clairempathy or clear emotion is sensing other people’s emotions, thoughts, or symptoms. It is an awareness of emotional energy. For example, someone crying might make you cry.
It's important, as a Clairempath to understand how to balance your empathy, how to not take on the ‘stuff’ of other people, or walk into energy fields.
The difference between clair ‘empath’ and ‘sentience’ is empaths sense the emotion and sentiences physically feel it.
So, which one is your dominant psychic ability?
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With Love and Light Sheila.
I did not know about these. I recognize Clairintellect and and Clairempathic. I may have experienced Clair(smell) during Covid too with cigarette smoke perhaps indicating my late mom or uncle. Thank you!