Hi Sheila, I have been struggling to accept this situation I am in. Let me start by explaining my background. I have been meditating and studying with different spiritual teachers in different countries for around 15 years in a more structured capacity. I have been fortunate to be around very inspiring and highly realised beings both physical and non-physical. I guess also I am probably more self-aware and self-reflective than most. I am currently studying in the UK and my fellow classmates are good hearted people but I find myself the odd one out, as I witness their habits and lack of self-awareness so clearly that it is painful to see and although I get along with them in the classroom. I don't want to socialise with them as their behaviours and attitudes seem so idiotic and causing so much suffering for them. How do you deal with people that are not spiritual but you have to work with them? This sounds so terrible, doesn't it, but this is what's happening.
Hi Karen, Thanks for you question. It's one that most of us have experienced at one point in time. I'd like to give you a full answer and post it as audio file next week, if that's ok. That way others can benefit from the anwer.
I’m more than happy to provide insights now. Thank you for raising this question. It’s something that many people who are experiencing spiritual growth go through.
Let me start by commending you on your spiritual journey. I can see that you have made time and effort to develop yourself and that you recognise that the journey is continual. You’re also sensitive to your vibrational non-alignment to this situation.
It’s clear from your message that you have to some extent ‘outgrown’ your classmates and that whilst you are still connected to them and enjoy some of their traits, you are no longer in alignment to some of their ‘other’ qualities. Â
Whilst the easiest solution would be to walk away from them and move on, that’s not the best way forward for you or them. The distance between where you are now and jolting away from them is too great and can cause you (and them) distress.
It’s always best to follow the path of least resistance. Resistance of any sort creates negative energy which isn’t good for you physically or spiritually. Go easy about it and try not to judge them or their behaviour. We are each on our own path and at different stages along the journey.
Allow yourself to recall the positive aspects of your classmates. There were many happy co-creative times.  Enjoy the memories and let the law of attraction (LOA) bring you more of these.Â
Think also about moving on from them in a positive way and being with a group who are more aligned to where you are now. What would that feel like? Allow yourself to enjoy these feelings – again allowing the LOA to work.
Think less about the negative aspects of the group. This generates more negativity and frustration, and again the LOA will deliver more of this to you.Â
At all times do what makes you happy and feel comfortable. If you don’t feel like attending an event with them – then don’t. Let them respect your wishes and respect your distance. Make sure you have peace of mind and that it comes from a place where you are being true to yourself. Be open, honest and love yourself and most importantly trust and have faith that all things are part of a bigger plan. Â
Know that you are divinely guided and that we are each born to evolve and learn the lessons that our soul needs. What are you learning about yourself from this experience? You’ll find that this group has been a positive part of your life as they have shown you a part of yourself that may need further work.
Ask for guidance from your guides and go within. It will work itself out as your growth spiritually cannot be halted (unless you are doing something to stop it).
Go easy and trust that when the time is right events will unfold for your highest good.
I hope this helps. I’ve gone overboard a bit in my answer that I had initially planned to be a short snipbit. I wont include this in the Q and A at the end of the month unless there is something else that you’d like to ask.
Thanks, Sheila. There are many resonating points for me that I will reflect on. I needed to be reminded of these, my inner wisdom/intuition/heart knows but my thoughts are too loud to hear it.
Hi Sheila, I have been struggling to accept this situation I am in. Let me start by explaining my background. I have been meditating and studying with different spiritual teachers in different countries for around 15 years in a more structured capacity. I have been fortunate to be around very inspiring and highly realised beings both physical and non-physical. I guess also I am probably more self-aware and self-reflective than most. I am currently studying in the UK and my fellow classmates are good hearted people but I find myself the odd one out, as I witness their habits and lack of self-awareness so clearly that it is painful to see and although I get along with them in the classroom. I don't want to socialise with them as their behaviours and attitudes seem so idiotic and causing so much suffering for them. How do you deal with people that are not spiritual but you have to work with them? This sounds so terrible, doesn't it, but this is what's happening.
Hi Karen, Thanks for you question. It's one that most of us have experienced at one point in time. I'd like to give you a full answer and post it as audio file next week, if that's ok. That way others can benefit from the anwer.
Sure, although any quick advice in the meantime would be very much appreciated!
Hi Karen,
I’m more than happy to provide insights now. Thank you for raising this question. It’s something that many people who are experiencing spiritual growth go through.
Let me start by commending you on your spiritual journey. I can see that you have made time and effort to develop yourself and that you recognise that the journey is continual. You’re also sensitive to your vibrational non-alignment to this situation.
It’s clear from your message that you have to some extent ‘outgrown’ your classmates and that whilst you are still connected to them and enjoy some of their traits, you are no longer in alignment to some of their ‘other’ qualities. Â
Whilst the easiest solution would be to walk away from them and move on, that’s not the best way forward for you or them. The distance between where you are now and jolting away from them is too great and can cause you (and them) distress.
It’s always best to follow the path of least resistance. Resistance of any sort creates negative energy which isn’t good for you physically or spiritually. Go easy about it and try not to judge them or their behaviour. We are each on our own path and at different stages along the journey.
Allow yourself to recall the positive aspects of your classmates. There were many happy co-creative times.  Enjoy the memories and let the law of attraction (LOA) bring you more of these.Â
Think also about moving on from them in a positive way and being with a group who are more aligned to where you are now. What would that feel like? Allow yourself to enjoy these feelings – again allowing the LOA to work.
Think less about the negative aspects of the group. This generates more negativity and frustration, and again the LOA will deliver more of this to you.Â
At all times do what makes you happy and feel comfortable. If you don’t feel like attending an event with them – then don’t. Let them respect your wishes and respect your distance. Make sure you have peace of mind and that it comes from a place where you are being true to yourself. Be open, honest and love yourself and most importantly trust and have faith that all things are part of a bigger plan. Â
Know that you are divinely guided and that we are each born to evolve and learn the lessons that our soul needs. What are you learning about yourself from this experience? You’ll find that this group has been a positive part of your life as they have shown you a part of yourself that may need further work.
Ask for guidance from your guides and go within. It will work itself out as your growth spiritually cannot be halted (unless you are doing something to stop it).
Go easy and trust that when the time is right events will unfold for your highest good.
I hope this helps. I’ve gone overboard a bit in my answer that I had initially planned to be a short snipbit. I wont include this in the Q and A at the end of the month unless there is something else that you’d like to ask.
With Love and Light.
Thanks, Sheila. There are many resonating points for me that I will reflect on. I needed to be reminded of these, my inner wisdom/intuition/heart knows but my thoughts are too loud to hear it.